
[pey-per-muh-shey, -ma-; French pa-pyey-mah-shey] /ˌpeɪ pər məˈʃeɪ, -mæ-; French pa pyeɪ mɑˈʃeɪ/

a substance made of pulped paper or paper pulp mixed with glue and other materials or of layers of paper glued and pressed together, molded when moist to form various articles, and becoming hard and strong when dry.
made of papier-mâché.
easily destroyed or discredited; false, pretentious, or illusory:
a papier-mâché façade of friendship.
/ˌpæpjeɪˈmæʃeɪ; French papjemɑʃe/
a hard strong substance suitable for painting on, made of paper pulp or layers of paper mixed with paste, size, etc, and moulded when moist
made of papier-mâché

also papier mache, 1753, from French papier-mâché, literally “chewed paper,” from Old French papier “paper” (see paper (n.)) + mâché “compressed, mashed,” from past participle of mâcher, literally “to chew,” from Late Latin masticare “masticate” (see mastication).

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