
[pahrt-ner] /ˈpɑrt nər/

a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate.

a spouse; a husband or a wife.
the person with whom one cohabits in a romantic relationship:
I’d like you to meet my partner, Sarah.
either of two people who dance together:
my favorite partner in the waltz.
a player on the same side or team as another:
My tennis partner was an excellent player.
partners, Nautical. a framework of timber round a hole in a ship’s deck, to support a mast, capstan, pump, etc.
verb (used with object)
to associate as a partner or partners with.
to serve as the partner of.
an ally or companion: a partner in crime
a member of a partnership
one of a pair of dancers or players on the same side in a game: my bridge partner
either member of a couple in a relationship
to be or cause to be a partner (of)

c.1300, altered from parcener (late 13c.), from Old French parçonier “partner, associate; joint owner, joint heir,” from parçon “partition, division. portion, share, lot,” from Latin partitionem (nominative partitio) “a sharing, partition, division, distribution” (see partition (n.)). Form in English influenced by part (n.). The word also may represent Old French part tenour “part holder.”

1610s, transitive, “to make a partner,” from partner (n.). Intransitive sense from 1961. Related: Partnered; partnering.

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