
[ped-ler] /ˈpɛd lər/

[ped-ler] /ˈpɛd lər/
a person who sells from door to door or in the street.
a person who tries to promote some cause, candidate, viewpoint, etc.
a person who peddles; hawker
a person who sells illegal drugs, esp narcotics
the usual US spelling of pedlar

late 14c. (c.1300 as a surname, Will. Le Pedelare), from peoddere, peddere (c.1200, mid-12c. as a surname), of unknown origin. It has the appearance of an agent noun, but no corresponding verb is attested in Middle English. Perhaps a diminutive of ped “panier, basket,” also of unknown origin, but this is attested only from late 14c. Pedlar, preferred spelling in U.K., is attested from late 14c.


A narcotics seller; dealer (1929+ Narcotics)

Related Terms

ass peddler, flesh-peddler, pill-pusher

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