
[per-ish] /ˈpɛr ɪʃ/

verb (used without object)
to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.:
to perish in an earthquake.
to pass away or disappear:
an age of elegance that has forever perished.
to suffer destruction or ruin:
His valuable paintings perished in the fire.
to suffer spiritual death:
Save us, lest we perish.
perish the thought, may it never happen: used facetiously or as an afterthought of foreboding.
(informal) (of a person, part of the body, etc) extremely cold
verb (intransitive)
to be destroyed or die, esp in an untimely way
(transitive sometimes followed by with or from) to cause to suffer: we were perished with cold
to rot: leather perishes if exposed to bad weather
perish the thought!, may it never be or happen thus
(Austral, informal) do a perish, to die or come near to dying of thirst or starvation

mid-13c., from periss- present participle stem of Old French perir “perish, be lost, be shipwrecked” (12c.), from Latin perire “to be lost, perish,” literally “to go through,” from per- “through, completely, to destruction” (see per) + ire “to go” (see ion). Related: Perished; perishing.
In addition to the idiom beginning with perish

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