
[per-turb] /pərˈtɜrb/

verb (used with object)
to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
to throw into great disorder; derange.
Astronomy. to cause in the orbit of (a celestial body).
verb (transitive; often passive)
to disturb the composure of; trouble
to throw into disorder
(physics, astronomy) to cause (a planet, electron, etc) to undergo a perturbation

late 14c., from Old French perturber “disturb, confuse” (14c.) and directly from Latin perturbare “to confuse, disorder, disturb,” especially of states of the mind, from per- “through” (see per) + turbare “disturb, confuse,” from turba “turmoil, crowd” (see turbid). Related: Perturbed; perturbing.

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