
[far-ingks] /ˈfær ɪŋks/

noun, plural pharynges
[fuh-rin-jeez] /fəˈrɪn dʒiz/ (Show IPA), pharynxes. Anatomy.
the tube or cavity, with its surrounding membrane and muscles, that connects the mouth and nasal passages with the esophagus.
noun (pl) pharynges (fæˈrɪndʒiːz), pharynxes
the part of the alimentary canal between the mouth and the oesophagus Compare nasopharynx related adjective pharyngeal

1690s, from Greek pharynx (genitive pharyngos) “windpipe, throat,” related to pharanx “cleft, chasm.”

pharynx phar·ynx (fār’ĭngks)
n. pl. phar·ynx·es or pha·ryng·es (fə-rĭn’jēz)
The upper section of the alimentary canal that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx.
Plural pharynges (fə-rĭn’jēz) or pharynxes
The passage that leads from the cavities of the nose and mouth to the larynx (voice box) and esophagus. Air passes through the pharynx on the way to the lungs, and food enters the esophagus from the pharynx.

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