
[peen-yah-tuh, pin-yah-; Spanish pee-nyah-tah] /pinˈyɑ tə, pɪnˈyɑ-; Spanish piˈnyɑ tɑ/

noun, plural piñatas
[peen-yah-tuh z, pin-yah-; Spanish pee-nyah-tahs] /pinˈyɑ təz, pɪnˈyɑ-; Spanish piˈnyɑ tɑs/ (Show IPA)
(in Mexico and Central America) a gaily decorated crock or papier-mâché figure filled with toys, candy, etc., and suspended from above, especially during Christmas or birthday festivities, so that children, who are blindfolded, may break it or knock it down with sticks and release the contents.
a papier-mâché party decoration filled with sweets, hung up during parties, and struck with a stick until it breaks open

1887, from Mexican Spanish piñata, in Spanish literally “jug, pot,” ultimately from Latin pinea “pine cone,” from pinus (see pine (n.)).

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