
[ping-koh] /ˈpɪŋ koʊ/ Older Slang: Disparaging.

noun, plural pinkos, pinkoes.
a person with left-wing, but not extreme, political opinions.
a person who leans toward communist ideology.
1 (def 10).
noun (mainly US, derogatory) (pl) -os, -oes
a person regarded as mildly left-wing

1936, derogatory slang form of pink (n.), used of people whose social or political views “have a tendency toward ‘red;’ ” a metaphor that had existed since at least 1837. As an adjective by 1957.


: How come those Niggers and those creepy pinko hippies call us names like ”pigs”? (1957+)


A person of liberal or mildly radical socialist political opinions; pink: Nixon liked to call people pinkos (1936+)

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