
[pin-uh-sahy-tohs, -tohz, pahy-nuh-] /ˌpɪn ə saɪˈtoʊs, -ˈtoʊz, ˌpaɪ nə-/

verb (used without object), pinocytosed, pinocytosing.
(of a cell) to take within by means of pinocytosis.
[pin-uh-sahy-toh-sis, pahy-nuh-] /ˌpɪn ə saɪˈtoʊ sɪs, ˌpaɪ nə-/
noun, Physiology.
the transport of fluid into a cell by means of local infoldings by the cell membrane so that a tiny vesicle or sac forms around each droplet, which is then taken into the interior of the cytoplasm.

from Greek pinein “to drink” (see imbibe) + -cytosis.

pinocytosis pin·o·cy·to·sis (pĭn’ə-sĭ-tō’sĭs, -sī-, pī’nə-)
Introduction of fluids into a cell by invagination of the cell membrane, followed by formation of vesicles within the cells.
pin’o·cy·tot’ic (-tŏt’ĭk) adj.

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