
[pi-rahn-yuh, -ran- or, often, -rah-nuh, -ran-uh] /pɪˈrɑn yə, -ˈræn- or, often, -ˈrɑ nə, -ˈræn ə/

noun, plural piranhas (especially collectively) piranha.
any of several small South American freshwater fishes of the genus Serrasalmus that eat other fish and sometimes plants but occasionally also attack humans and other large animals that enter the water.
any of various small freshwater voracious fishes of the genus Serrasalmus and related genera, of tropical America, having strong jaws and sharp teeth: family Characidae (characins)

also pirana, 1869, from Portuguese piranha, from Tupi (Brazil) pira nya, variant of pira’ya, literally “scissors.”

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