Plural voting

a system that enables an elector to vote more than once in an election
(in Britain before 1948) a system enabling certain electors to vote in more than one constituency

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    combining form 1. denoting several: pluriliteral, pluripresence word-forming element meaning “more than one, several, many,” from Latin pluri-, from stem of plus (genitive pluris); see plus. pluri- pref. More than one; several: pluriglandular.

  • Pluriglandular

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  • Pluriliteral

    /ˌplʊrɪˈlɪtərəl/ adjective 1. (in Hebrew grammar) containing more than three letters in the root

  • Pluripotent

    [ploo r-uh-poht-nt] /ˌplʊər əˈpoʊt nt/ adjective, Biology. 1. (of a cell) capable of developing into any type of cell or tissue except those that form a placenta or embryo: pluripotent stem cells. /ˌplʊrɪˈpəʊtənt/ adjective 1. (biology) capable of differentiating into different types of body cell pluripotent plu·rip·o·tent (plu-rĭp’ə-tənt) or plu·ri·po·ten·tial (plur’ĭ-pə-těn’shəl) adj.

  • Pluripresence

    /ˌplʊrɪˈprɛzəns/ noun 1. (theol) presence in more than one place at the same time

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