
[ponz] /pɒnz/

noun, plural pontes
[pon-teez] /ˈpɒn tiz/ (Show IPA). Anatomy.
Also called pons Varolii. a band of nerve fibers in the brain connecting the lobes of the midbrain, medulla, and cerebrum.
any tissue connecting two parts of a body organ or structure.
[ponz; French pawns] /pɒnz; French pɔ̃s/
[lil-ee;; French lee-lee] /ˈlɪl i;; French liˈli/ (Show IPA), 1904–76, U.S. operatic soprano, born in France.
noun (pl) pontes (ˈpɒntiːz)
a bridge of connecting tissue
short for pons Varolii

“bridge,” in various Latin expressions, from Latin pons “bridge, connecting gallery, walkway,” earlier probably “way, passage,” from PIE *pent- “to go, tread” (see find (v.)). Especially pons asinorum “bridge of asses,” nickname for the fifth proposition of the first book of Euclid, which beginners and slow wits find difficulty in “getting over”: if two sides of a triangle are equal, the angles opposite these sides are also equal.

pons (pŏnz)
n. pl. pon·tes (pŏn’tēz)

Plural pontes (pŏn’tēz)
A thick band of nerve fibers in the brainstem of humans and other mammals that links the brainstem to the cerebellum and upper portions of the brain. It is important in the reflex control of involuntary processes, including respiration and circulation. All neural information transmitted between the spinal cord and the brain passes through the pons.

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