

Read Also:

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    noun, Dentistry. 1. the entire space occupied by pulp, composed of the root canal and pulp chamber. pulp cavity n. The central hollow of a tooth containing the dental pulp and including the root canal.

  • Pulp-chamber

    noun, Dentistry. 1. the crown portion of the pulp cavity. pulp chamber n. The portion of the pulp cavity that is contained in the crown or body of a tooth.

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    verb phrase To disappear; take a powder: That may be exactly why he’s pulled a vanishing act [1981+; fr a magician’s vanishing or causing someone to do so; in the form do a vanishing act found by 1923]

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    [puhl-pek-tuh-mee] /pʌlˈpɛk tə mi/ noun, plural pulpectomies. Dentistry. 1. the removal of all the tissue in a tooth in the course of endodontic therapy. pulpectomy pul·pec·to·my (pŭl-pěk’tə-mē) n. Removal of the dental pulp, including that in the roots.

  • Pull a train

    verb phrase Of a woman, to do the sex act with several men serially: taking some dame in the woods and making her pull a train (1965+ Motorcyclists)

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