
[puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/

[puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/
noun, plural putties.
a compound of whiting and linseed oil, of a doughlike consistency when fresh, used to secure windowpanes, patch woodwork defects, etc.
any of various other compounds used for similar purposes.
any of various substances for sealing the joints of tubes or pipes, composed of linseed oil with red lead, white lead, iron oxide, etc.
a creamy mixture of lime and water, partially dried and mixed with sand and plaster of Paris to make a finish plaster coat.
any person or thing easily molded, influenced, etc.:
We were putty in his hands.
light brownish- or yellowish-gray.
verb (used with object), puttied, puttying.
to secure, cover, etc., with putty.
up to putty, Australian Slang. worthless or useless.
[puht-ee] /ˈpʌt i/
noun, plural putties.
noun (pl) -ties
a stiff paste made of whiting and linseed oil that is used to fix glass panes into frames and to fill cracks or holes in woodwork, etc
any substance with a similar consistency, function, or appearance
a mixture of lime and water with sand or plaster of Paris used on plaster as a finishing coat
(as modifier): a putty knife
See putty powder
a person who is easily influenced or persuaded: he’s putty in her hands

(Austral, informal) up to putty, worthless or useless
verb -ties, -tying, -tied
(transitive) to fix, fill, or coat with putty

1630s, “type of plasterer’s cement,” from French potée “polishing powder” (12c.), originally “pot-full, contents of a pot,” from Old French pot “container” (see pot (n.1)). Meaning “soft mixture for sealing window panes” first recorded 1706. Figurative use in reference to one easily influenced is from 1924. Putty knife attested from 1834.

1734, from putty (n.). Related: Puttied; puttying.


A very malleable or biddable person or persons: they’ll be putty and do exactly what you want (as they should) (1924+)

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