
[ih-kwiv-uh-luh nt or for 5, ee-kwuh-vey-luh nt] /ɪˈkwɪv ə lənt or for 5, ˌi kwəˈveɪ lənt/

equal in value, measure, force, effect, significance, etc.:
His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt.
corresponding in position, function, etc.:
In some ways their prime minister is equivalent to our president.
Geometry. having the same extent, as a triangle and a square of equal area.
Mathematics. (of two sets) able to be placed in one-to-one correspondence.
Chemistry. having the same capacity to combine or react chemically.
something that is equivalent.
equal or interchangeable in value, quantity, significance, etc
having the same or a similar effect or meaning

(maths, logic) (of two propositions) having an equivalence between them
something that is equivalent
short for equivalent weight

early 15c., from Middle French equivalent and directly from Late Latin aequivalentem (nominative aequivalens) “equivalent,” present participle of aequivalere “be equivalent,” from Latin aequus “equal” (see equal) + valere “be well, be worth” (see valiant). As a noun from c.1500.

equivalent e·quiv·a·lent (ĭ-kwĭv’ə-lənt)
Equal, as in value, force, or meaning.

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