
[ke-re-tah-raw] /kɛˈrɛ tɑˌrɔ/

a state in central Mexico. 4432 sq. mi. (11,480 sq. km).
a city in and the capital of this state, in the SW part: republican forces executed Emperor Maximilian here 1867.
/Spanish keˈretaro/
an inland state of central Mexico: economy based on agriculture and mining. Capital: Querétaro. Pop: 1 402 010 (2000). Area: 11 769 sq km (4544 sq miles)
a city in central Mexico, capital of Querétaro state: scene of the signing (1848) of the treaty ending the US-Mexican War and of the execution of Emperor Maximilian (1867). Pop: 913 000 (2005 est)

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