
[uh-kweynt] /əˈkweɪnt/

verb (used with object)
to make more or less familiar, aware, or conversant (usually followed by with):
to acquaint the mayor with our plan.
to furnish with knowledge; inform (usually followed by with):
to acquaint the manager with one’s findings.
to bring into social contact; introduce (usually followed by with):
She acquainted her roommate with my cousin.
verb (transitive)
foll by with or of. to make (a person) familiar or conversant (with); inform (of)
(foll by with) (mainly US) to introduce (to); bring into contact (with)

also reacquaint, 1640s, from re- + acquaint. Related: Reacquainted; reacquainting.

early 13c., from Old French acointier “make known, make acquaintance of,” from Vulgar Latin accognitare “to make known,” from Latin accognitus “acquainted with,” past participle of accognoscere “know well,” from ad- “to” (see ad-) + cognitus, past participle of cogniscere “come to know,” from com- “with” (see com-) + gnoscere “know” (see notice). Originally reflective, “to make oneself known;” sense of “to gain for oneself personal knowledge of” is from early 14c. Related: Acquainted; acquainting.

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