
[uh-preyz] /əˈpreɪz/

verb (used with object), appraised, appraising.
to estimate the monetary value of; determine the worth of; assess:
We had an expert appraise the house before we bought it.
to estimate the nature, quality, importance, etc.:
He tried to appraise the poetry of John Updike.
verb (transitive)
to assess the worth, value, or quality of (someone or something) again
verb (transitive)
to assess the worth, value, or quality of
to make a valuation of, as for taxation purposes

c.1400, “to set a value on,” from stem of Old French aprisier “apraise, set a price on” (14c., Modern French apprécier), from Late Latin appretiare “value, estimate,” from ad- “to” (see ad-) + pretium “price” (see price (n.)). Original English spelling apprize altered by influence of praise. Related: Appraised; appraising.

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