
the act of denying:
He shook his head in negation of the charge.
a denial:
a negation of one’s former beliefs.
something that is without existence; nonentity.
the absence or opposite of something that is actual, positive, or affirmative:
Darkness is the negation of light.
a negative statement, idea, concept, doctrine, etc.; a contradiction, refutation, or rebuttal:
a shameless lie that demands a negation.
the opposite or absence of something
a negative thing or condition
the act or an instance of negating

the operator that forms one sentence from another and corresponds to the English not
a sentence so formed. It is usually written –p, ~p, ̄p or ⇁p, where p is the given sentence, and is false when the given sentence is true, and true when it is false

negation ne·ga·tion (nĭ-gā’shən)
A denial, contradiction, or negative statement.

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