
an answer or reply, as in words or in some action.
Biology. any behavior of a living organism that results from an external or internal stimulus.

a verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in reply to the officiant.
Compare versicle (def 2).

Bridge. a bid based on an evaluation of one’s hand relative to the previous bid of one’s partner.
the act of responding; reply or reaction
(bridge) a bid replying to a partner’s bid or double
(usually pl) (Christianity) a short sentence or phrase recited or sung by the choir or congregation in reply to the officiant at a church service
(electronics) the ratio of the output to the input level, at a particular frequency, of a transmission line or electrical device
any pattern of glandular, muscular, or electrical reactions that arises from stimulation of the nervous system

response re·sponse (rĭ-spŏns’)
A reaction, as that of an organism or any of its parts, to a specific stimulus.
A reaction, as that of an organism or any of its parts, to a specific stimulus. See more at classical conditioning.

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