
Psychology. the diversion of the energy of a sexual or other biological impulse from its immediate goal to one of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature or use.
Chemistry. the act, fact, or process of subliming (def 9).
a purification or refinement; ennoblement.
(in Freudian psychology) the diversion of psychic energy derived from sexual impulses into nonsexual activity, esp of a creative nature
the process or an instance of sublimating
something sublimated
(chem) the process or instance or subliming

sublimation sub·li·ma·tion (sŭb’lə-mā’shən)

The act or process of sublimating.

Something that has been sublimated.

An unconscious defense mechanism in which unacceptable instinctual drives and wishes are modified into more personally and socially acceptable channels.

The process of changing from a solid to a gas without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. Carbon dioxide, at a pressure of one atmosphere, sublimates at about -78 degrees Celsius. Ice and snow on the Earth’s surface also sublimate at temperatures below the freezing point of water. Compare deposition.
sublimation [(sub-luh-may-shuhn)]

In Freudian psychology, a defense mechanism by which the individual satisfies a socially prohibited instinctive drive (usually sexual or aggressive) through the substitution of socially acceptable behavior. For example, someone with strong sexual drives who paints nude portraits may be engaging in sublimation.
sublimation [(sub-luh-may-shuhn)]

In chemistry, the direct conversion of a solid into a gas, without passage through a liquid stage. (See phases of matter.)

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