
noun, plural retia
[ree-shee-uh, -shuh, -tee-uh] /ˈri ʃi ə, -ʃə, -ti ə/ (Show IPA)
a pierced plate on an astrolabe, having projections whose points correspond to the fixed stars.
a network, as of fibers, nerves, or blood vessels.
noun (pl) retia (ˈriːʃɪə; -tɪə)
(anatomy) any network of nerves or blood vessels; plexus

rete re·te (rē’tē)
n. pl. re·ti·a (rē’tē-ə, rē’shə)
An anatomical mesh, network, or structure, as of veins, arteries, or nerves.
re’ti·al (-tē-əl, -shəl) adj.

artificial intelligence
/Re’te/ (From Latin “net”) A net or network; a plexus; particularly, a network of blood vessels or nerves, or a part resembling a network.
[How is it used in AI? What is a “rete procedure “?]

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