
noun, plural reticula
[ri-tik-yuh-luh] /rɪˈtɪk yə lə/ (Show IPA), for 1–3, genitive reticuli
[ri-tik-yuh-lahy] /rɪˈtɪk yəˌlaɪ/ (Show IPA), for 4.
a network; any reticulated system or structure.

a network of intercellular fibers in certain tissues.
a network of structures in the endoplasm or nucleus of certain cells.

Zoology. the second stomach of ruminating animals, between the rumen and the omasum.
(initial capital letter) Astronomy. the Net, a southern constellation between Dorado and Hydrus.
noun (pl) -la (-lə)
any fine network, esp one in the body composed of cells, fibres, etc
the second compartment of the stomach of ruminants, situated between the rumen and psalterium
noun (Latin genitive) Reticuli (rɪˈtɪkjʊˌlaɪ)
a small constellation in the S hemisphere lying between Dorado and Hydrus

reticulum re·tic·u·lum (rĭ-tĭk’yə-ləm)
n. pl. re·tic·u·la (-lə)

A fine network formed by cells, by certain structures within cells, or by connective-tissue fibers between cells.

See neuroglia.

The second compartment of the stomach of ruminant mammals, lined with a membrane having honeycombed ridges.

Plural reticula
The second division of the stomach in ruminant animals, which together with the rumen contains microorganisms that digest fiber. The reticulum’s contents are regurgitated for further chewing as part of the cud. See more at ruminant.

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