
noun, plural rhachises, rhachides
[rak-i-deez, rey-ki-] /ˈræk ɪˌdiz, ˈreɪ kɪ-/ (Show IPA)
noun, plural rachises, rachides
[rak-i-deez, rey-ki-] /ˈræk ɪˌdiz, ˈreɪ kɪ-/ (Show IPA)

the axis of an inflorescence when somewhat elongated, as in a raceme.
(in a pinnately compound leaf or frond) the prolongation of the petiole along which the leaflets are disposed.
any of various axial structures.

Ornithology. the part of the shaft of a feather bearing the web.
Anatomy. spinal column.
noun (pl) rhachises, rhachides (ˈrækɪˌdiːz; ˈreɪ-)
a variant spelling of rachis
noun (pl) rachises, rhachises, rachides, rhachides (ˈrækɪˌdiːz; ˈreɪ-)
(botany) the main axis or stem of an inflorescence or compound leaf
(ornithol) the shaft of a feather, esp the part that carries the barbs
another name for spinal column

rachis ra·chis (rā’kĭs)
n. pl. ra·chis·es or rach·i·des (rāk’ĭ-dēz’, rā’kĭ-)
See spinal column.
Plural rachises or rachides (rāk’ĭ-dēz’, rā’kĭ-)
A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, the shaft of a feather, or the spinal column.

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