
a crater in the fourth quadrant of the face of the moon: about 42 miles (68 km) in diameter.

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    noun the part of a sentence that expresses an idea, usu. the predicate; comment; also called rheme Word Origin Greek ‘what is said, word, saying’ Usage Note rhematic adj, rhematology n

  • Rhematic

    adjective 1. pertaining to the formation of words. 2. pertaining to the rheme of a sentence.

  • Rheme

    noun, Linguistics. 1. comment (def 7). noun 1. (linguistics) the constituent of a sentence that adds most new information, in addition to what has already been said in the discourse. The rheme is usually, but not always, associated with the subject Compare theme (sense 5) noun See rhema

  • Rhemish

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  • Rhenic

    adjective, Chemistry. 1. of or containing rhenium.

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