Samuel morse

[jed-i-dahy-uh] /ˌdʒɛd ɪˈdaɪ ə/ (Show IPA), 1761–1826, U.S. geographer and Congregational clergyman (father of Samuel F. B. Morse).
Samuel F(inley) B(reese)
[fin-lee breez] /ˈfɪn li briz/ (Show IPA), 1791–1872, U.S. artist and inventor: developer of the first successful telegraph in the U.S.; inventor of the most commonly used telegraphic code system.
Morse code.
a male given name, form of Maurice.
noting or pertaining to the Morse code or the system of communications using it.
pertaining to any code resembling the Morse code.
a clasp or fastening on a cope
Samuel Finley Breese (ˈfɪnlɪ briːz). 1791–1872, US inventor and painter. He invented the first electric telegraph and the Morse code
American inventor who was a pioneer in the field of telegraphy and in 1844 introduced a telegraphic code for transmitting messages, which became known as Morse code.

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