
noun, Pathology.
an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.
(pathol) an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, of congenital origin or caused by trauma or disease of the vertebrae or hipbones Compare kyphosis, lordosis

scoliotic sco·li·ot·ic (skō’lē-ŏt’ĭk)
Of, relating to, or affected by scoliosis.

scoliosis sco·li·o·sis (skō’lē-ō’sĭs, skŏl’ē-)
A condition of lateral curvature of the spine, which may have just one curve or primary and secondary compensatory curves and be fixed or mobile.
A lateral curvature of the spine, usually having no known cause and occurring most commonly in preteen and adolescent girls.

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