
an ancient city in Iraq, on the Tigris River: capital of the Seleucid empire.
an ancient city in Asia Minor, near the mouth of the Orontes River: the port of Antioch.
an ancient city in Mesopotamia, on the River Tigris: founded by Seleucus Nicator in 312 bc; became the chief city of the Seleucid empire; sacked by the Romans around 162 ad
an ancient city in SE Asia Minor, on the River Calycadnus (modern Goksu Nehri): captured by the Turks in the 13th century; site of present-day Silifke (Turkey) Official name Seleucia Tracheotis (ˌtrækɪˈəʊtɪs), Seleucia Trachea (trəˈkɪə)
an ancient port in Syria, on the River Orontes: the port of Antioch, of military importance during the wars between the Ptolemies and Seleucids; largely destroyed by earthquake in 526; site of present-day Samanda? (Turkey) Official name Seleucia Pieria (paɪˈiːrɪə)

the sea-port of Antioch, near the mouth of the Orontes. Paul and his companions sailed from this port on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:4). This city was built by Seleucus Nicator, the “king of Syria.” It is said of him that “few princes have ever lived with so great a passion for the building of cities. He is reputed to have built in all nine Seleucias, sixteen Antiochs, and six Laodiceas.” Seleucia became a city of great importance, and was made a “free city” by Pompey. It is now a small village, called el-Kalusi.

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