
the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.
the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship:
a hymn of praise to God.
the state of being approved or admired:
The king lived in praise for many years.
Archaic. a ground for praise, or a merit.
verb (used with object), praised, praising.
to express approval or admiration of; commend; extol.
to offer grateful homage to (God or a deity), as in words or song.
sing someone’s praises, to praise someone publicly and enthusiastically:
He is always singing his wife’s praises.
the act or an instance of expressing commendation for oneself
the act of expressing commendation, admiration, etc
the extolling of a deity or the rendering of homage and gratitude to a deity
the condition of being commended, admired, etc
(archaic) the reason for praise
sing someone’s praises, to commend someone highly
verb (transitive)
to express commendation, admiration, etc, for
to proclaim or describe the glorious attributes of (a deity) with homage and thanksgiving

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