
[sen-sey-shuh-nl-iz-uh m] /sɛnˈseɪ ʃə nlˌɪz əm/
subject matter, language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste.
the use of or interest in this subject matter, language, or style:
The cheap tabloids relied on sensationalism to increase their circulation.

the doctrine that the good is to be judged only by the gratification of the senses.
the doctrine that all ideas are derived from and are essentially reducible to sensations.

Psychology. sensationism.
the use of sensational language, etc, to arouse an intense emotional response
such sensational matter itself
(philosophy) Also called sensualism

the doctrine that knowledge cannot go beyond the analysis of experience
(ethics) the doctrine that the ability to gratify the senses is the only criterion of goodness

(psychol) the theory that all experience and mental life may be explained in terms of sensations and remembered images
(aesthetics) the theory of the beauty of sensuality in the arts

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