
verb, Archaic.
2nd person singular of shall.
auxiliary verb, present singular 1st person shall, 2nd shall or (Archaic) shalt, 3rd shall, present plural shall; past singular 1st person should, 2nd should or (Archaic) shouldst or shouldest, 3rd should, past plural should; imperative, infinitive, and participles lacking.
plan to, intend to, or expect to:
I shall go later.
will have to, is determined to, or definitely will:
You shall do it. He shall do it.
(in laws, directives, etc.) must; is or are obliged to:
The meetings of the council shall be public.
(used interrogatively in questions, often in invitations):
Shall we go?
(archaic or dialect) used with the pronoun thou or its relative equivalent a singular form of the present tense (indicative mood) of shall
verb (past) should takes an infinitive without to or an implied infinitive
esp with I or we as subject. used as an auxiliary to make the future tense: we shall see you tomorrow Compare will1 (sense 1)
with you, he, she, it, they, or a noun as subject

used as an auxiliary to indicate determination on the part of the speaker, as in issuing a threat: you shall pay for this!
used as an auxiliary to indicate compulsion, now esp in official documents: the Tenant shall return the keys to the Landlord
used as an auxiliary to indicate certainty or inevitability: our day shall come

(with any noun or pronoun as subject, esp in conditional clauses or clauses expressing doubt) used as an auxiliary to indicate nonspecific futurity: I don’t think I shall ever see her again, he doubts whether he shall be in tomorrow

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