
sialodochoplasty si·a·lo·do·cho·plas·ty (sī’ə-lō-dō’kə-plās’tē)
Surgical repair of a salivary duct.

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    adjective 1. sialagogic (def 1). noun 2. a sialagogic agent or medicine. noun 1. (med) any drug or agent that can stimulate the flow of saliva sialogogue si·al·o·gogue (sī-āl’ə-gôg’) n. Variant of sialagogue. sialagogue si·al·a·gogue or si·al·o·gogue (sī-āl’ə-gôg’) n. A drug or other agent that increases the flow of saliva. Also called ptyalagogue.

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  • Sialoid

    adjective 1. resembling saliva

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