
a form of AIDS common in Africa, marked by emaciation and fever.

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    noun 1. thin, glutinous mud. 2. any ropy or viscous liquid matter, especially of a foul kind. 3. a viscous secretion of animal or vegetable origin. 4. Also called slimeball [slahym-bawl] /ˈslaɪmˌbɔl/ (Show IPA). Slang. a repulsive or despicable person. verb (used with object), slimed, sliming. 5. to cover or smear with or as if […]

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  • Slimeball

    noun 1. thin, glutinous mud. 2. any ropy or viscous liquid matter, especially of a foul kind. 3. a viscous secretion of animal or vegetable origin. 4. Also called slimeball [slahym-bawl] /ˈslaɪmˌbɔl/ (Show IPA). Slang. a repulsive or despicable person. verb (used with object), slimed, sliming. 5. to cover or smear with or as if […]

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  • Slime mould

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