Source routing

source route

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  • Sources

    noun 1. any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin: Which foods are sources of calcium? 2. the beginning or place of origin of a stream or river. 3. a book, statement, person, etc., supplying information. 4. the person or business making interest or dividend payments. 5. a manufacturer or […]

  • Sour-cherry

    noun 1. a cherry, Prunus cerasus, characterized by gray bark and the spreading habit of its branches. 2. the red, tart fruit of this tree, used in making pies and preserves. noun 1. a Eurasian rosaceous tree, Prunus cerasus, with white flowers: cultivated for its tart red fruits 2. the fruit of this tree Compare […]

  • Sourcing

    noun, Economics. 1. the buying of components of a product from an outside supplier, often one located abroad: Foreign sourcing in the auto industry has eliminated jobs. noun 1. any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin: Which foods are sources of calcium? 2. the beginning or place of origin […]

  • Sour-cream

    noun 1. cream soured by the lactic acid produced by a ferment. noun 1. cream soured by lactic acid bacteria, used in making salads, dips, etc Also called soured cream

  • Sourdine

    noun, Music. 1. mute (def 10). 2. kit2 . 3. an obsolete member of the oboe family. noun (music) 1. a soft stop on an organ or harmonium 2. another word for sordino

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