
Computers. the computerized analysis of spoken words in order to identify the speaker, as in security systems, or to respond to voiced commands: the analysis is performed by finding patterns in the spectrum of the incoming sound and comparing them with stored patterns of elements of sound, as phones, or of complete words.
speech recognition
the understanding of continuous speech by a computer

See voice recognition

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  • Speech-sound

    noun, Phonetics. 1. any of the set of distinctive sounds of a given language. Compare phoneme. 2. any audible, elemental, acoustic event occurring in speech: “Go” contains the speech sound “o.”. Compare phone2 . 3. any of the sounds of the entire phonetic system of a language.

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    The generation of an sound waveform of human speech from a textual or phonetic description. See also speech recognition. There are demonstrations which say a number (http://cs.yale.edu/cgi-bin/saynumber.au) or say a phrase (http://wwwtios.cs.utwente.nl/say/form/).

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