
noun, plural series.
a group or a number of related or similar things, events, etc., arranged or occurring in temporal, spatial, or other order or succession; sequence.
a number of games, contests, or sporting events, with the same participants, considered as a unit:
The two baseball clubs played a five-game series.
a set, as of coins or stamps.
a set of successive volumes or issues of a periodical published in like form with similarity of subject or purpose.
Radio and Television.

a daily or weekly program with the same cast and format and a continuing story, as a soap opera, situation comedy, or drama.
a number of related programs having the same theme, cast, or format:
a series of four programs on African wildlife.


a sequence of terms combined by addition, as 1 + ½ + ¼ + ⅛ + … ½ n.
infinite series.

Rhetoric. a succession of coordinate sentence elements.
Geology. a division of stratified rocks that is of next higher rank to a stage and next lower rank to a system, comprising deposits formed during part of a geological epoch.
Electricity. an end-to-end arrangement of the components, as resistors, in a circuit so that the same current flows through each component.
Compare parallel (def 13).
Chemistry. a group of related chemical elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number:
the lanthanide series.
Electricity. consisting of or having component parts connected in series:
a series circuit; a series generator.
noun (pl) -ries
a group or connected succession of similar or related things, usually arranged in order
a set of radio or television programmes having the same characters and setting but different stories
a set of books having the same format, related content, etc, published by one firm
a set of stamps, coins, etc, issued at a particular time
(maths) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of numbers or quantities See also geometric series

a configuration of two or more components connected in a circuit so that the same current flows in turn through each of them (esp in the phrase in series)
(as modifier): a series circuit Compare parallel (sense 10)

(rhetoric) a succession of coordinate elements in a sentence
(geology) a stratigraphical unit that is a subdivision of a system and represents the rocks formed during an epoch

series se·ries (sēr’ēz)
n. pl. series

A number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in succession.

A group of objects related by linearly varying successive differences in form or configuration, as in a radioactive decay series.


The sum of a sequence of terms, for example 2 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + …

A group of rock formations closely related in time of origin and distinct as a group from other formations.

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