
verb (used with object)
to cool (a liquid) below its freezing point without producing solidification or crystallization; undercool.
verb (used without object)
to become supercooled.
very cool in temperature, especially of the maximum coolness possible: used as a setting on air conditioners.
Slang. very cool; very sophisticated, up-to-date, unemotional, etc.
(chem) to cool or be cooled without freezing or crystallization to a temperature below that at which freezing or crystallization should occur. Supercooled liquids are not in equilibrium
To cool a substance below a phase-transition temperature without the transition occurring. For example, water can be cooled well below the freezing point without freezing (as often happens in the upper atmosphere); the introduction of an impurity or surface can then trigger freezing. Supercooling is an example of hysteresis. Compare superheat.

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