
(angling) a device containing bait, attached to the line to ensure the gradual baiting of the swim from under the surface

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    verb (used without object), swam, swum, swimming. 1. to move in water by movements of the limbs, fins, tail, etc. 2. to float on the surface of water or some other liquid. 3. to move, rest, or be suspended in air as if swimming in water. 4. to move, glide, or go smoothly over a […]

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    verb (used without object), swam, swum, swimming. 1. to move in water by movements of the limbs, fins, tail, etc. 2. to float on the surface of water or some other liquid. 3. to move, rest, or be suspended in air as if swimming in water. 4. to move, glide, or go smoothly over a […]

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