
symblepharopterygium sym·bleph·a·ro·pte·ryg·i·um (sĭm-blěf’ə-rō-tə-rĭj’ē-əm)
The union of eyelid to eyeball by a cicatricial band of membrane similar to a pterygium.

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    sympatho- or sympath- pref. Sympathetic nervous system: sympathoadrenal.

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  • Sympathoblastoma

    sympathoblastoma sym·pa·tho·blas·to·ma (sĭm’pə-thō-blā-stō’mə) n. A completely undifferentiated malignant tumor made up of sympathoblasts and originating from embryonal cells of the sympathetic nervous system. Also called sympathetoblastoma, sympathicoblastoma, sympathicogonioma, sympathogonioma.

  • Sympathogonia

    sympathogonia sym·pa·tho·go·ni·a (sĭm’pə-thō-gō’nē-ə) pl.n. The completely undifferentiated cells that develop into cells of the sympathetic nervous system.

  • Sympathogonioma

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