
Pathology, Psychiatry. a group of symptoms that together are characteristic of a specific disorder, disease, or the like.
a group of related or coincident things, events, actions, etc.
the pattern of symptoms that characterize or indicate a particular social condition.
a predictable, characteristic pattern of behavior, action, etc., that tends to occur under certain circumstances:
the retirement syndrome of endless golf and bridge games; the feast-or-famine syndrome of big business.
(med) any combination of signs and symptoms that are indicative of a particular disease or disorder
a symptom, characteristic, or set of symptoms or characteristics indicating the existence of a condition, problem, etc

syndrome syn·drome (sĭn’drōm’)
A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, a psychological disorder, or another abnormal condition.
syn·drom’ic (-drō’mĭk, -drŏm’ĭk) adj.
An abnormal condition or disease that is identified by an established group of signs and symptoms.
syndrome [(sin-drohm)]

A set of signs and symptoms that appear together and characterize a disease or medical condition. AIDS is an example of a syndrome.

Note: A collection of attitudes or behaviors that go together is often called a syndrome.

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