
talipedic tal·i·ped·ic (tāl’ə-pěd’ĭk, -pē’dĭc)
Having a clubfoot or clubfeet.

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  • Talipes

    noun 1. a clubfoot. 2. the condition of being clubfooted. noun 1. a congenital deformity of the foot by which it is twisted in any of various positions 2. a technical name for club foot talipes tal·i·pes (tāl’ə-pēz’) n. See clubfoot.

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  • Talipes calcaneovarus

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  • Talipes calcaneus

    talipes calcaneus talipes cal·ca·ne·us (kāl-kā’nē-əs) n. A deformity due to weakness or absence of the calf muscles in which the axis of the calcaneus becomes vertically oriented.

  • Talipes cavus

    talipes cavus talipes ca·vus (kā’vəs) n. A deformity of the foot in which the normal arch is exaggerated.

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