William gilbert

Cass, 1859–1934, U.S. architect.
Henry Franklin Belknap
[bel-nap] /ˈbɛl næp/ (Show IPA), 1868–1928, U.S. composer.
Sir Humphrey, 1537–83, English soldier, navigator, and colonizer in America.
John (John Pringle) 1895–1936, U.S. film actor.
Walter, born 1932, U.S. molecular biologist: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980.
William, 1544–1603, English physician and physicist: pioneer experimenter in magnetism and electricity.
Sir William Schwenck
[shwengk] /ʃwɛŋk/ (Show IPA), 1836–1911, English dramatist and poet: collaborator with Sir Arthur Sullivan.
a male given name: from Germanic words meaning “pledge” and “bright.”.
Historical Examples

The Secrets of a Savoyard Henry A. Lytton
The Natural Philosophy of William Gilbert and His Predecessors W. James King

a unit of magnetomotive force; the magnetomotive force resulting from the passage of 4π abamperes through one turn of a coil. 1 gilbert is equivalent to 10/4π = 0.795 775 ampere-turn Symbols Gb, Gi
Grove Karl. 1843–1918, US geologist who pioneered the study of river development and valley erosion
Sir Humphrey. ?1539–83, English navigator: founded the colony at St John’s, Newfoundland (1583)
William. 1540–1603, English physician and physicist, noted for his study of terrestrial magnetism in De Magnete (1600)
Sir W(illiam) S(chwenck). 1836–1911, English dramatist, humorist, and librettist. He collaborated (1871–96) with Arthur Sullivan on the famous series of comic operettas, including The Pirates of Penzance (1879), Iolanthe (1882), and The Mikado (1885)
Gilbert, William 1544-1603.
English court physician and physicist whose book De Magnete (1600) was the first comprehensive scientific work published in England. Gilbert demonstrated that the Earth itself is a magnet, with lines of force running between the North and South Poles. He theorized that magnetism and electricity were two types of a single force and was the first to use the words electricity and magnetic pole.
American biologist who, building upon the work of Frederick Sanger, formulated a method for determining the sequence of bases in DNA that made it possible to manufacture genetic materials in the laboratory. For this work he shared with Sanger and American biologist Paul Berg the 1980 Nobel Prize for chemistry.

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