Google AdSense

AdSense (Google AdSense) is an advertising placement service by Google. The program is designed for website publishers who want to display targeted text, video or image advertisements on website pages and earn money when site visitors view or click the ads.

The advertisements are controlled and managed by Google and Web publishers simply need to create a free AdSense account and copy and paste provided code to display the ads. Revenue using AdSense is generated on a per-click or per-impression basis. It is free to become a verified website publisher in the Google AdSense program.

Google currently offers a number of different AdSense programs, depending on the type of content you will place the ads on (e.g. webpage or RSS feed). Some of the more common programs include:

AdSense for content: display ads on a website
AdSense for search: display ads in search results on a website
AdSense for mobile: display ads on a mobile site
AdSense for feeds: display ads in RSS feeds
AdSense for domains: display ads on unused domains

AdSense programs are also available to qualified publishers and developers. Qualified publishers may use AdSense to drive revenues for iPhone applications, video or Web browser games. Google currently offers the following AdSense programs for qualified publishers:

AdSense for mobile applications: monetize Android and iPhone applications
AdSense for TV: monetize TV inventory
AdSense for video: monetize online video content

AdSense for mobile applications: monetize Android and iPhone applications
AdSense for TV: monetize TV inventory
AdSense for video: monetize online video content
AdSense for games: monetize browser-based games

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