seeing what 05/19/13 means in the bible and seeing as the message “expect us” is apparently referring to a divine source, we can -ssume that on may 19th, 2013 an apocalypse will occur. it is a day that a divine source will come and destroy those who have committed sins that are malicious and intentional.
you: what does 05/19/13 mean?
me: the end of life as we know it.
you: well…sh-t.
seeing what 05/19/13 means in the bible and seeing as the message “expect us” is apparently referring to a divine source, we can -ssume that on may 19th, 2013 an apocalypse will occur. it is a day that a divine source will come and destroy those who have committed mayor sins that are malicious and intentional, and save those faithful believers.
andrew: dude, what’s going to happen on 05/19/13? will g-d come from heaven?
jamieferson: or maybe it’s the aliens coming for us.
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