when you are so bored you type in every possible symbol, letter, and number into your search engine
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- Now put that on your sandwich!
used to indicate that someone should accept what one has said even if it is unwelcome. similar to the phrase ‘put it in your pipe and smoke it’ but less offensive in nature. i quit, now put that on your sandwich!
- Kermesha
the best black girl you will ever meet. kermesha may seem shy at first and in important places like school or work, but when she’s out of school she’s the most fun–ss b-tch that will never want to stop having fun! kermesha is very friendly, nice and soft. yet tough like a soldier. anyone should […]
- farty arsey
used to describe one who deliberates excessively. hurry up and stop being so farty -rs-y!
pick something to talk about gena: i’m bored ally: pstta
- Sorline
d-ck or third leg spencedaddy has a big sorline and i like to choke and blow on it all night long