A castagno
[kah-stah-nyaw] /kɑˈstɑ nyɔ/
andrea del
[ahn-dre-ah del] /ɑnˈdrɛ ɑ dɛl/ (show ipa), (andrea di bartolo di bargilla) c1423–57, florentine painter.
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[kuh sh-teel-yoo] /kəʃˈtil yu/ noun antonio feliciano de [ahn-taw-n-yoo fuh-lees-yah-noo] /ɑ̃ˈtɔˈn yu fə lisˈyɑ nu/ (show ipa), 1800–75, portuguese poet.
- A castillo
[kahs-tee-lyaw, -yaw] /kɑsˈti lyɔ, -yɔ/ noun antonio [ahn-taw-nyaw] /ɑnˈtɔ nyɔ/ (show ipa), (antonio cánovas del castillo del rey) 1908–1984, spanish fashion designer.
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[koh-shee] /koʊˈʃi/ noun augustin louis [oh-gy-stan lwee] /oʊ güˈstɛ̃ ˈlwi/ (show ipa), 1789–1857, french mathematician. cauchy /ˈkaʊʃɪ; french koʃi/ noun augustin louis (oɡystɛ̃ lwi), baron cauchy. 1789–1857, french mathematician, noted for his work on the theory of functions and the wave theory of light
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[key-lee] /ˈkeɪ li/ noun arthur, 1821–95, english mathematician. cayley /ˈkeɪlɪ/ noun arthur. 1821–93, british mathematician, who invented matrices sir george. 1773–1857, british engineer and pioneer of aerial navigation. he constructed the first man-carrying glider (1853) and invented the caterpillar tractor
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[bohlt] /boʊlt/ noun sir adrian cedric, 1889–1983, english conductor. boult /bəʊlt/ verb a variant spelling of bolt2 boult /bəʊlt/ noun sir adrian (cedric). 1889–1983, english conductor