A de albuquerque
[al-buh-kur-kee; for 1 also portuguese awl-boo-ker-kuh] /ˈæl bəˌkɜr ki; for 1 also portuguese ˌɔl bʊˈkɛr kə/
affonso de
[uh-fawn-soo duh] /əˈfɔ̃ sʊ də/ (show ipa), 1453–1515, founder of the portuguese empire in the east.
a city in central new mexico.
a city in central new mexico, on the rio grande. pop: 471 856 (2003 est)
/ˈælbəˌkɜːkɪ; portuguese ɑlbuˈkɛrkə/
afonso de (əˈfõsu dəː). 1453–1515, portuguese navigator who established portuguese colonies in the east by conquering goa, ceylon, malacca, and ormuz
city in new mexico, u.s., founded 1706 and named for spanish administrator and viceroy of mexico francisco fernández de la cueva, duque de alburquerque (1617-1676); name altered by -ssociation with portuguese soldier alfonso de albuquerque (1453-1515), both named from alburquerque, a town in spain close to the portuguese border, meaning “white oak;” ultimately from latin albus “white” and quercus “oak.”
albuquerque [(al-buh-kur-kee)]
largest city in new mexico.
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