A everett burnside
[burn-sahyd] /ˈbɜrnˌsaɪd/
ambrose everett, 1824–81, union general in the american civil war.
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air force. anglo-french. audio frequency. anglo-french [ang-gloh-french] /ˈæŋ gloʊˈfrɛntʃ/ adjective belonging to, relating to, or involving england and france, or the people of the two countries. of or pertaining to the anglo-french dialect. noun also called anglo-norman. the dialect of french current in england from thenorman conquest to the end of the middle ages. abbreviation: […]
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ancient free and accepted masons.
- A f alphonse bandelier
[ban-dl-eer] /ˌbæn dlˈɪər/ noun adolph francis alphonse, 1840–1914, u.s. anthropologist, archaeologist, and historian, born in switzerland.