A f j butenandt
[boot-n-ahnt] /ˈbut nˌɑnt/
adolf friedrich johann [ah-dawlf free-drikh yoh-hahn] /ˈɑ dɔlf ˈfri drɪx ˈyoʊ hɑn/ (show ipa), 1903–1995, german chemist: declined 1939 n-bel prize on the demand of the n-z- government.
/german ˈbutənant/
adolf frederick johann. 1903–95, german organic chemist. he shared the n-bel prize for chemistry (1939) for his pioneering work on s-x hormones
butenandt bu·te·nandt (bōōt’n-änt’), adolf friedrich. 1903-1995.
german chemist. he shared a 1939 n-bel prize for his work on s-xual hormones but declined the honor following a n-z- edict prohibiting acceptance of such prizes.
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