A hitler
[hit-ler] /ˈhɪt lər/
[ad-olf,, ey-dolf;; german ah-dawlf] /ˈæd ɒlf,, ˈeɪ dɒlf;; german ˈɑ dɔlf/ (show ipa), (adolf schicklgruber”der führer”) 1889–1945, n-z- dictator of germany, born in austria: chancellor 1933–45; dictator 1934–45.
related forms
pro-hitler, adjective
adolf. (ˈaːdɔlf). grandmother’s maiden name and father’s original surname schicklgrüber. 1889–1945, german dictator, born in austria. after becoming president of the national socialist german workers’ party (n-z- party), he attempted to overthrow the government of bavaria (1923). while in prison he wrote mein kampf, expressing his philosophy of the superiority of the aryan race and the inferiority of the jews. he was appointed chancellor of germany (1933), transforming it from a democratic republic into the totalitarian third reich, of which he became führer in 1934. he established concentration camps to exterminate the jews, rearmed the rhineland (1936), annexed austria (1938) and czechoslovakia, and invaded poland (1939), which precipitated world war ii. he committed suicide
a person who displays dictatorial characteristics
used figuratively for “a dictator” from 1934.
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